Saturday 27 April 2013

Liberalisation of Women!!

So. my two cents to this world of deceptive creatures begins herewith to educate them and try to make this earth a better place to live!!!

Long since the Delhi rape case, I have been brooding a lot to write a blog not because of the cruelty of the crime but because of the inherent nature of the human race that is making these kinda savage acts inevitable. But, before i delve deep into the root of these kinda savage acts, i want you all to remember one fundamental axiom- We humans are defective deceptive creatures in this effervescent realm.

 So the question naturally arises, Why n how would I say that the homo sapiens are defective n deceptive?. Well, think of this- we are basically lethargic n lazy creatures to the core. Nature knows this fundamental defect of ours n hence have forced us to evolve remarkably. Have u ever wondered y u needed remuneration to do "your" work?? or Why pleasure is an inherent part to reproduce "your" pro-genies?? Coz without these so called stimulants we will never work or the worst will never reproduce which may result in mass extinction. 

Having said deceptive defective doesn't justify these kinda cruel acts at any cost. But then, for the people who demand capital punishment for these horrendous crimes should understand that just by implementing a law and enforcing it will never reduce or suppress these crimes . Rather, it will fret and needle the opposite sex into even more aggression against the so-called weaker sex. We have evolved into a modernistic society after passing thru' eons of similar corporal punishment. It has never achieved the intended effect. So , if corporal punishment isn't the solution?? then what could be??

As far as i knw and believe , it is the objectification of women and the perverted mind of men which is the basic reason for these kinda acts to occur. So, initially let us analyse these a little more deeply before we move into a plausible radical overhaul to eradicate these psychological defects. 

Woman- She is indeed one of the greatest and marvellous creation of nature. Without her it will be a pain in the ass- literally :P. Yet, she also is not devoid of the inherent defectiveness that the human race is cursed by. In this era of modernization, women are trying to be equally competitive to men in all fields. Though this deserves appreciation, women should understand that they should not lose their feminist identity in this venture. Men and women are physically, biologically and even psychologically unique creatures. Some women tend to be so much engrossed by the fact that only if they have achieved equal feat to men in all the fields , they have achieved women liberalisation.

 This is a fundamentally flawed belief. As i said before nature has created the humans into two different unique entities. So if the creation itself involves differentiation beginning right from the level of chromosomes , how will you be able to match the other gender at a macroscopic level. So the women liberalisation has its own boundary conditions defined- u cannot go to a beach and stand topless and say that i have reached liberalisation at least unless u r an Indian and u being in India. So what does this objectification of women has to do with the liberalisation of women?

 Very simple- The effort to liberalize women has led to objectification of women which in turn has worsened the already perverted mind of men resulting in even more rape cases recently How? Let us see in the next blog..